The Manchild Music Review

Monday, December 12, 2005

Sorry. That Truly Was Devastating.

I can't explain that last post. A travesty, it was. A slap in the face of this site's credibility. So I will make up for posting the worst rap song in the history of ever, by posting what was probably my favorite rap song of the year (Narrowly beating out the "Diamonds are Forever" remix, despite the fact that it has the best line Jay-Z has ever spat... (I'm not a businessman... I'm a business, man). Genius. Except for the fact that I can't take myself seryusly when I type 'spat'.)

Anyways.. 'What's the song?', you ask.

Common feat. Kanye West - The Food

Just downright catchy. But not in a bad way. It usually takes quite a bit for me to like rap, but this does the trick. Most of the stuff on Late Registration, didn't, by the way. But that's just me. I feel the need to compare all things rap to Late Registration since Kanye West is apparently the new Mozart, Martin Luther King Jr., and Muhammad Ali, all rolled into one. Or something.

Plus, on this track, you get to hear Dave Chapelle before he went crazy.


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