I loves Me Some Dreampop
I'm just gonna go right out and say it:
Dream pop rules. There's pretty much no denying it.
So here's the best dream pop band you've never heard of:
Art of Fighting
How nobody knows about these Aussie's is one of life's great mysteries. (Here's where lots of other people would put down lame life mysteries to accompany it... Maybe even pull out the "Why isn't the whole plane made of the Black Box?" business. But then nobody would ever read past "...whole plane" since they realize if they go further they'll die of stupid. So I'll just leave it as is.)
I'm really not sure how many bands I could call dream pop though. AoF and A Northern Chorus are the only two that consistently come to mind. I know there's others out there, and I know I know them, but I can never think of any others.
Anyways. Art of Fighting's first album, Wires, is much better than they're second, Second Storey. But I'm gonna post a song from the latter:
Art of Fighting - Find You Lost
Yo, yeah, im down with swapping some links.
do you have your comments set to only people with blogs able to comment? just making sure you knew...
Much luck to you. us bloggers stick together.
2:34 PM
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